50 Things To Do Before You’re Five is a free app offering a menu of low or no cost exciting activities indoors & outdoors for families with young children in Birmingham, giving great suggestions for how to have fun and learn at the same time. You can find the app in the store on any Android or Apple Device or simply scan the barcode on the posters on display in school.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We recognise that what parents do with their children at home makes a big difference to their long-term learning and wellbeing. Every 50 Things to Do activity helps children learn, with a focus on relationships and playing together, supported by their most important teacher - you.

Our vibrant neighbourhood:

Slow down and look, listen, touch, smell, taste and breathe


Environmental print, number, shape, size, texture, colour, pattern and nature

Sense of Place

Newtown Nursery School, Hockley Close, Newtown, Birmingham, B19 2NS. 

Newtown Nursery School

Hockley Close,
B19 2NS

Contact Information

Executive Head Teacher: Sharon Lewis

Tel: 0121 675 8876

Email: enquiry@newtownn.bham.sch.uk

Opening Times: 8.30am - 3.15pm

Birmingham Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools logo

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